Ready to Join?Please complete our application form below.Level of Membership*Please select7 Day5 Day (Monday to Friday)SocialFull Name*Address*Postcode*Date of Birth*Occupation*Telephone*Email address*Details of Present/Previous Clubs (if appropriate):CDH NumberName of ClubsDate of MembershipHandicapPlease answer the following questions as fully as possible:Current Golf Club and length of membershipSummary of Golfing CareerFrequency of Playing GolfLast Membership ClubHave you ever been refused membership of a golf club? If so, please explain the reasonIf you are currently a member of another club, why do you wish to become a member of Selby?Within the last 12 monts how often have you played at Selby, and with whom?Please give any further information that may be relevant to your application.IF YOU KNOW TWO MEMBERS OF SELBY GOLF CLUB WHO WOULD PROPOSE/SECOND YOUR MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION, PLEASE ENTER THEIR NAMES BELOW TO CONFIRM THEY ARE HAPPY FOR SELBY GOLF CLUB TO CONTACT THEM.IF YOU DO NOT KNOW ANY MEMBERS, PLEASE ENTER THE NAME OF A PREVIOUS CLUB OR GOLF COACH WHO WOULD BE ABLE TO VOUCH FOR YOU.IF YOU ARE NEW TO GOLF AND DO NOT KNOW ANYONE, PLEASE WRITE THIS.